Friday, May 27, 2011

Of Dreams and Beards

I find myself dreaming about the strangest of things as of late, but my dream self never seemed to be exactly how I look in real life, or at least when I could remember my dreams.

Well, I somehow put a stop to all dream inconsistencies a few nights a go with the help of my glorious facial hair...

Beards are a powerful, powerful thing.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Runaway Imagination

Sometimes I see things that aren't there. 

That sounds crazy, but.... well I guess there's no explanation that doesn't sound crazy, so here's a comic about it.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Un-athletic Fit

 To quote Chris Farley's character, Bennett Brauer, "I'm not 'Svelte'." I am not exactly fat either. By no means am I overweight, but I do have a bit of a pooch that I can't ever seem to get rid of (not that I really try).

So to hide my "girth" or whatever it is, I try to wear darker, looser fitting shirts. Here's what it usually looks like:

So when I buy a new shirt, I tend to overlook whether or not it's normal fit or athletic fit.  And even when I do check, some part of me thinks I'll look good in athletic fit. That part is always wrong and I wish it'd shut up.

I never know whether it's a muffin top, love handles, or a spare tire, but rolls of flab previously thought to be non-existent seem to form when I wear a tighter shirt.