Sunday, October 24, 2010


So I guess this is my blog. I said I'd update and here we are. I've got plans for this here blag. Big plans. Big blag plans. Big bad blag- oh who am I kidding. I'm probably just going to rant about how much my life "sucks." Or other things no one but me and my family/ friends find interesting.

But that's the beauty of the the interweb! Anyone can write about anything and someone'll read it! And since I'm more a "please some people all the time" kinda guy, I think I'll be successful.

I do actually have a few ideas for my blog, but I'd like some feedback. First things first: comics. I know I said I'd do some for this one, but all I could crank out was this handsome self portrait. So that's one possibility. Possible topics: bears, sharks, bears vs sharks, dinosaurs, outer space, robots, zombies, video games, video game music, other music, pants, shoes, bears, college, and bears.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Glenn, you're so talented, why limit yourself to just comics?" To which I would say "HOW DARE YOU QUESTION ME!" But after a sandwich I would be more likely to respond "Say, that's a good point.... but don't tell me what to do.

Therefore I have plans to potentially use this blog for other projects than a comic. Most likely any video games I ever plan on making as well as any ridiculous bloopy video game music that may or may not have to do with the aforementioned hypothetical games.

And even if I don't do comics, I'm still going to try my hand at this lovely blocky pixel art like the above. Unfortunately, the only thing I'm particularly good at drawing is myself, so this will be as much an exercise in art as it will be an exercise in narcissism. But I may feel the need to draw something, or, dare I say someone, else in the future.

So with that, I would ask any feedback, even if it is that I should do them all or even something that I didn't mention. But don't tell me that I shouldn't do any. That would be mean and I don't think my oh so fragile ego could handle that kind of let down.

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