Friday, December 31, 2010

This Past Year: A Look Back At My Life, In Comic Form!

There may have been some other things that happened, but clearly they don't matter, because there'll be jetpack next year! Jetpacks!

Also, remember you can click the image for a larger version.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Common Occurrence

This happens far too often these days. I think it stems from the sheer amount of games I can choose to play. I can't focus on one game anymore and none of the games I do play are actually fun to me. But it usually passes. Usually.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Comic: The Power of Music

Why do I still have this song on my iPod?! WHY?!

For those of you who've never heard this song, go here:

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Worst Part About Coming Back From A Mid-Semester Break (Other Than School)

I like the schedule I have up here at school, for the most part anyways. I go to school and work 5 days a week. Every Monday is the same as every other Monday, and yet, somehow, I never would consider my schedule to have any kind of "routine". After this past week of school following a week off, I realized that I have more structure and routine when I don't have any structure or routine. If that makes sense. Which I'm fairly sure it doesn't. But I'll elaborate, because I'm so nice that way.

Let's start with my school schedule. Monday and Wednesdays I go from about 2pm to 1am with a few breaks. Tuesday and Friday I go from about 9am to 4pm. Don't even get me started on Thursdays. Well, ok, you can get me started. After that, though, no getting me started! Thursdays are actually not so bad as I go from about 2pm to 8pm, and yet I hate them the most. Now, every day contains both work and school as well as about 40-60 minutes for travel to and from school. So I clearly keep busy. But, if this schedule were a person, it would be a schizophrenic hobo, alternately mumbling quietly to itself about a squeaky bike wheel and yelling about the plotter being out of paper.

Yet, once every semester, something wonderful happens. Perhaps it is even magical. Glorious would also be a word I would use to describe it. I get a full week off. That is 9-ish days of absolute nothing. Just how I like it. And this past Thanksgiving was one of those magic-glor-wonderful-ious-al weeks. Without even trying, I settled into a routine. Up til' about 2am, slept until about 11am; it was beautiful. I felt grand.

Then it's the Monday the day after break and I forget the combination to my bike lock. What. The heck. I ride the piece of.... bike every day! Sometimes twice! Thrice even! But I forgot it anyways. Clearly my mind didn't deem it important enough while it was on vacation. After a brief battle with my memory, I recalled it and headed out.

Then later at work that day, I forgot how to help people print on the plotter. The plotter for God's sake! I have to deal with that unholy demon-printer and it's various incarnations so often that I have nightmares about it! So how could I just forget? Don't I have even some sort of routine for work? Other than the list of web sites I go to when I'm bored?

I don't know why I was so forgetful, but I did realize that I actually had some sort of a routine even if it was a strange one. And if I've learned anything from all this, it's that I really like doing nothing. I already knew that though. So really I didn't learn anything. Yay!